
Cockatoo cichlid
Cockatoo cichlid

cockatoo cichlid

Cockatoo Cichlids swim in tributaries, creeks, and backwaters, which are slow-moving waters, mostly shallow in nature. Their natural distribution is extended from Tabatinga River to Solimoes and Ucayali Rivers. They commonly occur in Peru, Brazil and Bolivia. Also known as Big Mouth Apistogramma, Cockatoo Apisto, Cockatoo Apistogramma, Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid, Crested. Cockatoo Cichlids are a South American species, inhabiting the Amazon River basin. The Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid will exhibit great parenting behavior as they keep all predators at bay.

cockatoo cichlid

The certainty of assessment is Low due to limited available information. Cockatoo Cichlid (Apistogramma cacatuoides). A small amount of approximately 50 eggs are layed at a time. The overall climate match for the contiguous United States is Low, with no areas of medium or high match. The history of invasiveness is classified as No Known Nonnative Population. This species has not been reported in the wild outside of its native range therefore, no impacts of introduction have been documented. The information available was not sufficient to determine if a substantial trade history exists for A. This species is widely available in the aquarium trade, however only limited information was available regarding trade volume. The Cockatoo Cichlid, Apistogramma cacatuoides, is a freshwater fish native to the Amazon Basin in northwestern South America, including Colombia, Brazil, and Peru. The minimum for a group of Cockatoos is a 30-gallon tank, but bigger is always better. Tank requirements As bottom dwellers, Cockatoos require a long, rather than deep, tank to allow plenty of swimming space. Species that are considered uncertain risk need a more in-depth assessment beyond the Risk Summary to better define the species’ risk to U.S. Cockatoo cichlids are carnivorous fish that eat insects and worms.

Cockatoo cichlid